Fred Aiken Writing

Tag: philosophy


i read aurelius’ meditations,
but afterward i forgot to meditate on what he said,
so i promptly lost my sense of zen from reading the book in the first place,
though then again, it wasn’t in its original latin because
i didn’t do too well on my latin exam in college,
in fact, i cheated my way to a c-

last meal disagreements

whatever i ate, i don’t think it agrees with me,
but not on a philosophical level,
because that wouldn’t make much sense,
unless you subscribe to the theory
that my food is sentient,
to which i very much think it would not appreciate being eaten,
and thus would of course not agree with me

roadtrip to venice

i wish i understood how the world went by,
but i can’t seem to sync up the music with
the rhythm of the tides
as they come crashing into the shore,
while a family of 2 adults and 2.5 children sing rap songs
a capella from paterfamilia’s childhood