Fred Aiken Writing

Tag: chess

Breakfast Made for a Strange Chess Player that Doesn’t Know What They’re Doing

whenever i try imaging making breakfastfor someone else,it looks like mannequins playing the trombone as hyper-pop plays from some unknown sourceor stereo system that no one paid for yet,but it’s on credit, so there’s still plenty to be worried about,and a random chess player plays e5,so i have no idea what to do next

My Youth

I get the feeling that my youth is wasted on reddit,

or playing solitaire or chess or anything other than what I should be doing,

but then again, it seems like youth is destined to be wasted and wished for,

but why the fuck should I care….

I ain’t got nowhere to be


if it seems as if I’m distracted,

then it is,

because I’m playing chess,

so I’m not paying attention to form, rhyme, or diction,

so please don’t mind me